Upload one or more files to Telegram using your personal account. The maximum file size is 2 GiB for free users and 4 GiB for premium accounts. By default, they will be saved in your saved messages.
telegram-upload [OPTIONS] [FILES]...
¶ Phone number, username, invite link or “me” (saved messages). By default “me”.
¶ Configuration file to use. By default “/root/.config/telegram-upload.json”.
Delete local file after successful upload.
Print the id of the uploaded file after the upload.
Force send as a file. The filename will be preserved but the preview will not be available.
¶ Forward the file to a chat (alias or id) or user (username, mobile or id). This option can be used multiple times.
¶ Defines how to process directories. By default directories are not accepted and will raise an error.
- Options
¶ Defines how to process large files unsupported for Telegram. By default large files are not accepted and will raise an error.
- Options
¶ Change file description. By default the file name.
Disable thumbnail generation. For some known file formats, Telegram may still generate a thumbnail or show a preview. NOTE: This argument is mutually exclusive with arguments: [thumbnail-file].
¶ Path to the preview file to use for the uploaded file. NOTE: This argument is mutually exclusive with arguments: [no-thumbnail].
¶ Use an http proxy, socks4, socks5 or mtproxy. For example socks5://user:pass@ for socks5 and mtproxy://secret@ for mtproxy.
Send video or photos as an album.
Use interactive mode.
Sort files by name before upload it. Install the natsort Python package for natural sorting.
Optional argument(s)
Download all the latest messages that are files in a chat, by default download
from “saved messages”. It is recommended to forward the files to download to
“saved messages” and use parameter --delete-on-success
. Forwarded messages will
be removed from the chat after downloading, such as a download queue.
telegram-download [OPTIONS]
¶ Phone number, username, chat id or “me” (saved messages). By default “me”.
¶ Configuration file to use. By default “/root/.config/telegram-upload.json”.
Delete telegram message after successful download. Useful for creating a download queue.
¶ Use an http proxy, socks4, socks5 or mtproxy. For example socks5://user:pass@ for socks5 and mtproxy://secret@ for mtproxy.
¶ Defines how to download large files split in Telegram. By default the files are not merged.
- Options
Use interactive mode.
Set recipient or sender¶
By default when using telegram-upload without specifying the recipient or sender, telegram-upload will use your
personal chat. This is especially useful because you can use it to upload files from telegram-upload and then forward
them from your personal chat to as many groups as you like. However you can define the destination. For file upload the
argument is --to <entity>
~ $ telegram-upload --to <entity> <file 1>[ <file 2>]
You can download files from a specific chat using the --from <entity>
~ $ telegram-download --from <entity>
The entity can be defined in multiple ways:
Username or groupname: use the public username or groupname. For example: john.
Public link: the public user or group link. For example:
Private link: the private group link. For example:
Telephone: the user telephone. For example: +34600000000.
Telegram id: the user or group telegram id. Use a bot like @getidsbot for get the id. For example: -987654321 or 123456789.
Interactive mode¶
Use the -i
(or --interactive
) option to activate the interactive mode to choose the dialog (chat,
channel…) and the files. To upload files using interactive mode:
$ telegram-upload -i
To download files using interactive mode:
$ telegram-download -i
The following keys are available in this mode:
Up arrow: previous option in the list.
Down arrow: next option in the list.
Spacebar: select the current option. The selected option is marked with an asterisk.
mouse click: also to select the option. Some terminals may not support it.
Enter: go to the next wizard step.
pageup: go to the previous page of items. Allows quick navigation..
pagedown: go to the next page of items. Allows quick navigation..
Interactive upload¶
This wizard has two steps. The first step chooses the files to upload. You can choose several files:
Select the local files to upload:
[SPACE] Select file [ENTER] Next step
[ ] myphoto1.jpg
[ ] myphoto2.jpg
[ ] myphoto3.jpg
The second step chooses the conversation:
Select the dialog of the files to download:
[SPACE] Select dialog [ENTER] Next step
( ) Groupchat 1
( ) Bob's chat
( ) A channel
( ) Me
Interactive download¶
This wizard has two steps. The first step chooses the conversation:
Select the dialog of the files to download:
[SPACE] Select dialog [ENTER] Next step
( ) Groupchat 1
( ) Bob's chat
( ) A channel
( ) Me
The second step chooses the files to download. You can choose several files:
Select all files to download:
[SPACE] Select files [ENTER] Download selected files
[ ] image myphoto3.jpg by My Username @username 2022-01-31 02:15:07+00:00
[ ] image myphoto2.jpg by My Username @username 2022-01-31 02:15:05+00:00
[ ] image myphoto1.png by My Username @username 2022-01-31 02:15:03+00:00
You can use mtproto proxies without additional dependencies or socks4, socks5 or http proxies
installing pysocks
. To install it:
$ pip install pysocks
To define the proxy you can use the --proxy
$ telegram-upload image.jpg --proxy mtproxy://
Or you can define one of these variables: TELEGRAM_UPLOAD_PROXY
. To define the
environment variable from terminal:
$ export HTTPS_PROXY=socks5://
$ telegram-upload image.jpg
Parameter --proxy
has higher priority over environment variables. The environment variable
takes precedence over HTTPS_PROXY
and it takes precedence over HTTP_PROXY
. To disable
the OS proxy:
$ telegram-upload image.jpg
The syntax for mproto proxy is:
For example:
The syntax for socks4, socks5 and http proxy is:
An example without credentials:
An example with credentials:
Caption message¶
You can add a caption message to the file to upload using the --caption
$ telegram-upload image.jpg --caption "This is a caption"
This parameter support variables using the {}
syntax. For example:
$ telegram-upload image.jpg --caption "This is a caption for {file.stem.capitalize}"
The {file}
variable is the file path. The {file.stem}
variable is the file name without extension. The
variable is the file name without extension with the first letter in uppercase. The
variable has attributes for get info about the file like their size, their creation date, their checksums
(md5, sha1, sha256…), their media info (width, height, artist…) and more. For example:
$ telegram-upload image.jpg --caption "{}x{}px {}"
If you want to use the {}
syntax in the caption message, you can escape it using the brace twice. For example:
$ telegram-upload image.jpg --caption "This is a caption with {{}}"
For get more info about the variables, see the Caption format section.
Split files¶
By default, when trying to upload a file larger than the supported size by Telegram, an error will occur. However,
Telegram-upload has different policies for large files using the --large-files
(default): The execution of telegram-upload is stopped and the uploads are not continued.split
: The files are split as parts. For example myfile.tar.00, myfile.tar.01…
The syntax is:
~$ telegram-upload --large-files <fail|split>
To join the split files using the split option, you can use in GNU/Linux:
$ cat myfile.tar.* > myfile.tar
In windows there are different programs like 7z or GSplit.
Telegram-upload when downloading split files by default will download the files without joining them. However, the
download policy can be changed using the --split-files
(default): Files are downloaded without joining.join
: Downloaded files are merged after downloading. In case of errors, such as missing files, the keep policy is used.
The syntax is:
$ telegram-download --split-files <keep|join>