
Stable release

To install telegram-upload, run these commands in your terminal:

$ sudo pip3 install -U telegram-upload

This is the preferred method to install telegram-upload, as it will always install the most recent stable release.

If you don’t have pip installed, this Python installation guide can guide you through the process.

Other releases

You can install other versions from Pypi using:

$ pip install telegram-upload==<version>

For versions that are not in Pypi (it is a development version):

$ pip install git+<branch>#egg=telegram_upload

If you do not have git installed:

$ pip install<branch>.zip


Run telegram-upload without installing it on your system using Docker. Instead of telegram-upload and telegram-download you should use upload and download. Usage:

docker run -v <files_dir>:/files/
           -v <config_dir>:/config/
           -it nekmo/telegram-upload:master
           <command> <args>
  • <files_dir>: Upload or download directory.

  • <config_dir>: Directory that will be created to store the telegram-upload configuration. It is created automatically.

  • <command>: upload and download.

  • <args>: telegram-upload and telegram-download arguments.

For example:

docker run -v /media/data/:/files/
           -v $PWD/config:/config/
           -it nekmo/telegram-upload:master
           upload file_to_upload.txt