Source code for pip_rating.sources.sourcecode_page

import base64
import datetime
import os
import re
from functools import cached_property
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, TypedDict, Optional

import click
import requests

from pip_rating.sources.base import SourceBase

    from pip_rating.packages import Package

GITHUB_REPOSITORY_URL = "[^/]+)/([^/]+).*"
GITHUB_README_URL = "{owner}/{repo}/readme"
    re.compile(r"pip3? +install +(?:-U +|--upgrade +|)([A-Za-z0-9_\-.]+)"),
    re.compile(r"poetry +add +([A-Za-z0-9_\-.]+)"),
    re.compile(r"pipenv +install +([A-Za-z0-9_\-.]+)"),

github_token = os.environ.get("GITHUB_TOKEN", "")
github_warning = False

[docs]def get_github_readme(owner: str, repo: str) -> str: """Get the readme content from GitHub.""" headers = {} if github_token: headers["Authorization"] = f"Bearer {github_token}" try: with requests.get( GITHUB_README_URL.format(owner=owner, repo=repo), headers=headers ) as response: response.raise_for_status() content = response.json().get("content", "") return base64.b64decode(content).decode("utf-8") if content else "" except requests.RequestException as e: global github_warning if ( e.response is not None and e.response.status_code == 403 and e.response.reason == "rate limit exceeded" and not github_token and not github_warning ): click.echo( "GitHub rate limit exceeded. Set GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable to increase the limit.", err=True, ) github_warning = True elif ( e.response is not None and e.response.status_code == 403 and e.response.reason == "rate limit exceeded" and github_token and not github_warning ): click.echo( "GitHub rate limit exceeded. Check your GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable.", err=True, ) github_warning = True return ""
[docs]class Sourcecode(TypedDict): package_in_readme: Optional[bool] readme_content: str
[docs]class SourcecodeCacheDict(TypedDict): package_name: str updated_at: str source: str sourcecode: Sourcecode
[docs]def replace_chars(package_name: str): """Replace characters in package name to match the pattern in readme.""" return package_name.lower().replace("_", "-").replace(".", "-")
[docs]def search_in_readme(content: str, package_name: str) -> Optional[bool]: """Search for patterns in readme. If found the pattern, check if the package name is package_name. If the package name found is package_name, return True, else continues searching. If after all patterns are searched and no package name is found, return False. If any pattern matches, return None. """ package_in_readme = None for pattern in PIP_INSTALL_PATTERNS: results = pattern.findall(content) for result in results: if result.startswith("-"): continue package_in_readme = replace_chars(result) == replace_chars(package_name) if package_in_readme: return True return package_in_readme
[docs]class SourcecodePage(SourceBase): source_name = "sourcecode_page" def __init__(self, package: "Package"): self.package = package super().__init__(
[docs] def get_cache_data(self) -> SourcecodeCacheDict: project_urls = self.package.pypi.package["info"].get("project_urls") or {} content = "" for url in project_urls.values(): github_match = re.match(GITHUB_REPOSITORY_URL, url) if github_match: content = get_github_readme(, ) break package_in_readme = search_in_readme(content, return { "package_name": self.package_name, "updated_at":, "source": "github", "sourcecode": { "package_in_readme": package_in_readme, "readme_content": content, }, }
@cached_property def package_in_readme(self) -> Optional[bool]: if not self.is_cache_expired: cache = self.get_from_cache() else: cache = self.save_to_cache() return cache["sourcecode"]["package_in_readme"]