GitHub Action

You can use pip-rating in your Github project without installing anything. You just need to add a Github action. First you need to create the .github/workflows/pip-rating.yml file in your project:

# .github/workflows/pip-rating.yml
# --------------------------------
name: Pip-rating

      - master
    - cron: '0 0 * * SUN'

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    permissions: write-all
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Run pip-rating
        uses: Nekmo/pip-rating@master
          create_badge: true
          badge_style: flat-square
          badge_branch: pip-rating-badge

This action will be executed with every commit to branch master and every Sunday. The action has the following parameters available in the with section:

  • file: Path to the requirements file. Optional. By default, it will detect the requirements file in the root of the project. You should set this parameter if your requirements file does not have a standard name or is in another path.

  • file_type: Type of the requirements file. Optional. By default, it will detect the type of the requirements file.

  • format: Output format. Available formats: text, tree, json, only-rating & badge. Optional. By default, it will use the text format.

  • ignore_packages: Packages to ignore separated by spaces. Optional.

  • create_badge: Create a badge with the rating. Optional. By default, it will not create the badge.

  • badge_path: Path to the badge. Optional. By default, it will use the pip-rating-badge.svg file in the root of the project.

  • badge_branch: Branch where the badge will be pushed. Optional. By default, it will use current branch. It is highly recommended to set this parameter.

  • badge_style: Badge style. Optional. By default, it will use the flat style. Available styles: flat, flat-square, & for-the-badge.

  • badge_s_color: Badge color for S rating. Optional.

  • badge_a_color: Badge color for A rating. Optional.

  • badge_b_color: Badge color for B rating. Optional.

  • badge_c_color: Badge color for C rating. Optional.

  • badge_d_color: Badge color for D rating. Optional.

  • badge_e_color: Badge color for E rating. Optional.

  • badge_f_color: Badge color for F rating. Optional.

Some examples of the different badge styles:

Badge examples









If you have activated the badge, you can display it in your README using the following rst code:

.. image::<owner>/<repository>/<badge_branch>/<badge_path>
  :alt: pip-rating badge

For example:

.. image::
  :alt: pip-rating badge

If you are using markdown:

[![pip-rating badge](<owner>/<repository>/<badge_branch>/<badge_path>)](<owner>/<repository>/actions/workflows/<action_filename>)

For example:

[![pip-rating badge](](

You can see the result of the execution in the “Actions” tab of your repository.