Source code for pip_rating.req_files.pyproject

import re
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Union, List

from packaging.version import Version

from pip_rating.exceptions import RequirementsRatingParseError
from pip_rating.req_files import ReqFileBase
from pip_rating._compat import tomllib

[docs]def poetry_version(version: Union[str, dict, None]) -> str: """Convert Poetry version to PEP440 version.""" if version is None: return "" if isinstance(version, dict): version_value = version.get("version") output = poetry_version(version_value) markers = [] if version.get("python"): python_version = poetry_version(version["python"]).split(",") python_version = [ re.sub(r"(\d.*)", r"'\1'", version.strip()) for version in python_version ] markers.append( " and ".join(f"python_version {version}" for version in python_version) ) if version.get("markers"): markers.append(version["markers"]) if version.get("platform"): markers.append(f"platform_system=='{version['platform']}'") if markers: output += f" ; {' and '.join(markers)}" return output if version.startswith("^"): version = Version(version[1:]) if version.major or version.base_version == "0": return f">={version},<{version.major + 1}.0.0" elif version.minor or version.base_version == "0.0": return f">={version},<{version.major}.{version.minor + 1}.0" elif version.micro: return f">={version},<{version.major}.{version.minor}.{version.micro + 1}" else: raise RequirementsRatingParseError(f"Invalid version '{version}'") if version and (version[0].isdigit() or version[0] == "*"): return f"=={version}" if version and version[0] in "=<>!": return version raise RequirementsRatingParseError(f"Invalid version '{version}'")
[docs]class PyprojectReqFile(ReqFileBase): """Parse dependencies from pyproject.toml file."""
[docs] @classmethod def find_in_directory(cls, directory: Union[str, Path]) -> "PyprojectReqFile": """Find pyproject.toml in the given directory.""" if isinstance(directory, str): directory = Path(directory) path = directory / "pyproject.toml" if path.exists(): return cls(path)
[docs] @classmethod def is_valid(cls, path: Union[str, Path]) -> bool: """Check if the given path is a valid pyproject.toml file.""" if isinstance(path, str): path = Path(path) return path.exists() and == "pyproject.toml"
[docs] def get_dependencies(self) -> List[str]: """Get the dependencies from the pyproject.toml file.""" with open(str(self.path), "rb") as file: data = tomllib.load(file) sentinel = object() project_dependencies = data.get("project", {}).get("dependencies") or sentinel if project_dependencies is not sentinel: return project_dependencies poetry_dependencies = ( data.get("tool", {}).get("poetry", {}).get("dependencies", {}) or sentinel ) if poetry_dependencies is not sentinel: return [ f"{name}{poetry_version(version)}" for name, version in poetry_dependencies.items() if name != "python" ] raise RequirementsRatingParseError( f"Dependencies not found in the file '{self.path}'." )