
To see the available help run:

$ amazon-dash --help


Usage: amazon-dash [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --info     set logging to info
  --warning  set logging to warning
  --quiet    set logging to ERROR
  --debug    set logging to DEBUG
  --verbose  set logging to COMM
  --help     Show this message and exit.

  run*          Run server
  check-config  Validate the configuration file.
  discovery     Discover Amazon Dash device on network.
  test-device   Test a configured device without press...

To see the help of a command:

$ amazon-dash <command> --help

For example:

$ amazon-dash run --help

Usage: amazon-dash run [OPTIONS]

  Run server

  --config PATH   Path to config file.
  --root-allowed  Allow execute commands on config file as root
  --ignore-perms  Do not check the permissions of the configuration file. Use
                  this option at your own risk in secure environments (like
  --help          Show this message and exit.

Discovery mode

Use discovery mode to know the mac of your Dash (Run the program, and then press the button):

$ sudo amazon-dash discovery

Daemon mode

In daemon mode, it waits for a button to be pressed to execute the associated command. The program will remain running until the user closes it. Amazon-dash creates a service (daemon) file on your system to be able to run the program easily. The file is copied to your system when you run python -m amazon_dash.install.


Most modern Linux systems use Systemd by default. Some exceptions are Slackware and Gentoo. To run amazon-dash using Systemd:

$ sudo systemctl start amazon-dash

To check if it has been executed correctly:

$ sudo systemctl status amazon-dash


Run $ sudo amazon-dash check-config --config /etc/amazon-dash.yml to verify that the configuration is correct before running amazon-dash

To restart amazon-dash after modifying the configuration file to apply the changes:

$ sudo systemctl restart amazon-dash

To see the log:

$ sudo journalctl -r -u amazon-dash

To run Amazon-dash at startup:

$ sudo systemctl enable amazon-dash


If your system does not have Systemd or you want to run it manually:

sudo amazon-dash run[ --root-allowed][ --ignore-perms][ --config amazon-dash.yml]

By default, amazon-dash will use the amazon-dash.yml file in the current directory with sudo amazon-dash run. However, you can set the path to the file (for example, /etc/amazon-dash.yml) with --config parameter. Please note that --config must be after run.

If you run Amazon-dash using root (necessary to sniff network traffic) is required to protect the configuration file **for security reasons):

sudo chmod 600 amazon-dash.yml
sudo chown root:root amazon-dash.yml

If you use Docker you can disable this security measure. using --ignore-perms. It is not recommended to use this option if you are running Amazon-dash on your machine. It could be used to scale privileges.

The default level logging is INFO but you can change it using the --warning, --quiet, --debug and --verbose options. To see on screen every time a button is pressed you need to set the --debug option.

By default it is forbidden to execute commands as root in your configuration file. This is a security measure to avoid escalation privileges. If you are going to run amazon-dash as root it is highly recommended to define a user by each cmd config device. You can disable this security measure using --root-allowed.

Check config

If you have edited the configuration file you can check that the file is ok before starting the program:

$ sudo amazon-dash check-config --config /etc/amazon-dash.yml

Test device

Sometimes you may want to test the execution of a device without pressing the associated button. This is useful for testing and debugging:

$ sudo amazon-dash test-device <device mac address>[ --root-allowed][ --config <config file>]

For example:

$ sudo amazon-dash test-device 00:11:22:33:44:55 --config /etc/amazon-dash.yml