Usage ===== proxy-db uses *free proxy pages* to feed a **local proxy database**. By default the database is created in ``~/.local/var/lib/proxy-db/db.sqlite3``, although you can change the location and use other db engines. The proxies score is stored in this database. To **increase the score** of a proxy (the proxy works) use the ``proxy.positive()`` method, and use ``proxy.negative()`` if **it fails**. .. code-block:: python >>> from proxy_db.proxies import ProxiesList >>> p = next(ProxiesList()) >>> p >>> p.positive() # Increase score >>> p.votes # current score 1 >>> str(p) # return proxy string '' >>> # proxy country 'ES' By default ProxiesList will return proxies ordered by number of votes. Use with requests ----------------- proxy-db is very easy to use with requests. In this example it vote positive if it works and negative if the proxy fails. .. code-block:: python import requests from requests.exceptions import Timeout, ConnectionError, ProxyError from proxy_db.proxies import ProxiesList proxy = next(ProxiesList()) try: requests.get('', proxies=proxy) except (Timeout, ConnectionError, ProxyError): proxy.negative() else: proxy.positive() In this example test proxies **to find a proxy that works**: .. code-block:: python import requests from requests.exceptions import Timeout, ConnectionError, ProxyError from proxy_db.proxies import ProxiesList resp = None for proxy in ProxiesList(): try: resp = requests.get('', proxies=proxy) except (Timeout, ConnectionError, ProxyError): proxy.negative() else: proxy.positive() break if resp is not None: print(f'Response: {resp.text}') else: print('Could not get response') Countries --------- To force the country of the proxies use the country code in ``ProxiesList``: .. code-block:: >>> from proxy_db.proxies import ProxiesList >>> p = next(ProxiesList('es')) >>> 'ES' Countries use `the 2-character iso code `_. Change list strategy ==================== By default proxy-db sorts proxies by votes and only returns those with more than 1 vote (ignore with negative votes). There are other strategies available like returning random proxies: .. code-block:: >>> from proxy_db.proxies import ProxiesList, RandomListingStrategy >>> p = next(ProxiesList(strategy=RandomListingStrategy)) It is also possible to change the default strategy options: .. code-block:: >>> from proxy_db.proxies import ProxiesList, VotesListingStrategy >>> p = next(ProxiesList(strategy=VotesListingStrategy(min_votes=-5))) Change database --------------- To change the path to the sqlite database define the environment variable ``PROXY_DB_FILE``, by default ``~/.local/var/lib/proxy-db/db.sqlite3``. The environment variable ``PROXY_DB_DB_URL`` changes the database configuration, by default ``sqlite:///{PROXY_DB_FILE}``. proxy-db uses sqlalchemy. For more information about how to configure the url to the database, `check its documentation `_. Add proxies manually ==================== You can add one or more proxies per command line to insert them into the database. To add proxies:: $ proxy-db add[ ][ ][ ] For example:: $ proxy-db add You can also import proxies from a file, with one proxy per line:: $ proxy-db add --file For example:: $ proxy-db add --file proxies.txt You can also send the proxies stdin, one proxy per line:: $ proxy-db add < proxies.txt By default the proxies are created with the *"manual"* provider but this can be changed using the ``--provider `` parameter. For example:: $ proxy-db add --provider "my_provider" Added proxies have 10 positive votes by default. These votes will increase with successful requests and will decrease if the proxy fails. To change the default votes use the ``--votes `` parameter. For example:: $ proxy-db add --votes 50 List proxies ============ To list all the proxies already available you can use the following command:: $ proxy-db list ... By default the proxies will be listed line by line as in the previous example. You can change the format using ``--format ``. Available options: line, json. More options are available by installing the ``tabulate`` package using ``pip install tabulate``. To see all the options after installing *tabulate* use ``proxy-db list --help``. .. code-block:: shell $ proxy-db list --format json It is also possible to choose the columns to display. To see the available columns use ``proxy-db list --help``:: $ proxy-db list --columns ]> For example:: $ proxy-db list --columns id,votes,country,protocol,providers Proxies can be filtered using various options:: $ proxy list[ --min-votes ][ --country ] [ --protocol ][ --provider ] For example:: $ proxy list --min-votes 10 --country ES \ --protocol https --provider "Nord VPN" Payment providers ================= Some providers require a payment and additional steps to use. Nord VPN -------- 1. Login in Nord VPN. 2. Go to `Nord VPN service details `_. 3. In **advanced configuration** copy/create your **username** and **password** for *Service credentials (manual setup)*. These credentials are different from the username and password to log into the Nord VPN website. 4. Set environment variables ``PROXYDB_NORDVPN_USERNAME`` and ``PROXYDB_NORDVPN_PASSWORD`` in your program. To set **environment variables in Python**: .. code-block:: python import os os.environ['PROXYDB_NORDVPN_USERNAME'] = '2dybg3pvxN4XYpLpF2iBE3wz' os.environ['PROXYDB_NORDVPN_PASSWORD'] = 'hjFq8QkKsnKM42o4Yzta8y2K' To set **environment variables in Bash** (before run your program): .. code-block:: shell $ export PROXYDB_NORDVPN_USERNAME=2dybg3pvxN4XYpLpF2iBE3wz $ export PROXYDB_NORDVPN_PASSWORD=hjFq8QkKsnKM42o4Yzta8y2K $ ./