.. highlight:: console ====== Docker ====== Using Amazon Dash within docker is easy! First, pull the Docker image: .. code-block:: console $ docker pull nekmo/amazon-dash:latest Then, create a container and run Amazon Dash itself: .. code-block:: console $ docker run -it --network=host \ -v :/config/amazon-dash.yml \ nekmo/amazon-dash:latest \ amazon-dash run --ignore-perms --root-allowed \ --config /config/amazon-dash.yml Note that :code:`--network=host` is required for the container to be able to do packet inspection If you are a docker-compose user, a sample config might look like this: .. code-block:: yaml --- version: "3" services: amazon-dash: command: amazon-dash run --config /config/amazon-dash.yml container_name: amazon-dash image: nekmo/amazon-dash:latest network_mode: "host" restart: unless-stopped volumes: - :/config/amazon-dash.yml