.. highlight:: console ========= Community ========= Here are some example projects of how to use your Amazon Dash button: * **Random Episode**: Play a random chapter of your favorite series, like *The Simpsons*, *Futurama*, *Friends*... https://github.com/Nekmo/random-episode * **Gkeep**: Add tasks to Google Keep (buy milk, beer...). The notes can be associated with a place to run a reminder. https://github.com/Nekmo/gkeep Tell us how you use Amazon Dash and **join the community**. Send a email to ``dev [at] nekmo.com`` The Simpsons Random Episode --------------------------- .. image:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Nekmo/amazon-dash/master/images/simpsons.jpg :width: 100% The creator of the project uses Amazon-dash to play a random episode of The Simpsons on the TV. Things you need: * A Linux computer with the episodes of The Simpsons downloaded. * Amazon Dash button * A chromecast and a TV * Amazon-dash project installed and configured * Random-episode project installed and configured Random episode project link: https://github.com/Nekmo/random-episode To install Random episode:: sudo pip install random-episode And configure it: .. code-block:: yaml # random-episode.yml # ------------------ playlists: simpsons: # playlist name directories: # Multiple directories - '/media/videos/simpsons/' recursive: true # Optional patterns: # Optional - '*.mkv' # file pattern - '*.mp4' - '*.avi' players: chromecast: # player name type: chromecast # chromecast or native # Chromecast name. Useful if you have more than one name: nekmo-chromecast This is the configuration for Amazon-dash: .. code-block:: yaml # amazon-dash.yml # --------------- 44:65:0D:48:FA:88: name: Simpsons user: nekmo cmd: random-episode chromecast simpsons Shopping list in Google Keep ---------------------------- .. image:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Nekmo/amazon-dash/master/images/pepsi.jpg :width: 100% The creator of the project uses Amazon-dash to add products to buy using Google Keep. Google Keep allows you to add products to buy to a list and create reminders by date and by places (for example when you are at the supermarket). Things you need: * A Linux computer. For example a raspberry PI. * Amazon Dash button * Amazon-dash project installed and configured * Gkeep project installed and configured * Google account Gkeep project link: https://github.com/Nekmo/gkeep This is the configuration for Amazon-dash: .. code-block:: yaml settings: delay: 15 devices: 34:d2:71:1b:73:13: name: Pepsi user: alarm cmd: gkeep --auth /etc/auth.txt add-item 170ae95c548.78ec8e3cffc10be4 "Pepsi" --uncheck Play a audio ------------ This is an example created by Nekmo of how to play an audio on your computer when you press the Amazon dash button. Things you need: * A linux computer with audio output * Amazon Dash button * Amazon-dash project installed and configured * A audio file to play * ffmpeg installed .. code-block:: yaml settings: delay: 15 devices: 34:d2:71:3b:82:17: name: Dong Audio user: nekmo cmd: ffplay -nodisp -autoexit /home/nekmo/Music/dong.png Externas links -------------- Send to the email address ``dev [at] nekmo.com`` the articles you write about Amazon Dash. The submitted links will be added to this list. * https://github.com/internetfan420/my-amazon-dash-hacks * http://blog.roy29fuku.com/iot/amazon-dash-button%E3%82%92python%E3%81%A7%E3%83%8F%E3%83%83%E3%82%AF%E3%81%99%E3%82%8B-part1-%E8%A8%AD%E5%AE%9A/ * https://qiita.com/nardtree/items/23c36fa3b989d329a1f3 * https://qiita.com/moyasi98/items/982c9fb0cf73156c23a3 * https://a-zumi.net/python-amazon-dash-button-tweet/ * https://a-zumi.net/python-amazon-dash-button-send-mail/ * https://helpdesk.bluesound.com/discussions/viewtopic.php?t=4331 * http://helloworld-yaruzo.com/author/nardtree/ * http://www.redsilico.com/blog/make-google-home-talk-using-amazon-dash-button * https://7me.oji.0j0.jp/2018/raspberry-amazon-dash-certbot.html * https://www.elotrolado.net/hilo_proyecto-hack-amazon-dash-el-boton-que-ejecuta-lo-que-tu-quieras-iot-v0-4-0_2200509 * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pjN1oO-l-uM * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alexax8rhgo * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gj7H5WCyMg8